Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Remove Broken Songs From iTunes Library

I’ve just found an amazing free way to remove broken songs from iTunes. Finding every broken song and removing it is a fastidious task. To make life easier, new clever trick is discovered. This clever little trick you can create a new playlist showing all the broken links that you can then either delete, re-import or find on another source

  1. Create a New Smart playlist called ‘All Songs’: Create a rule like ‘Artist is NOT ‘123456‘ – whatever you choose make sure there is no artist with that name.
  2. Now make a regular playlist called (create playlist shortcut: CTRL+N) ‘All Live Songs’
  3. Now create a second smart playlist called ‘Missing Songs‘ with the following rules: ‘Playlist is All Songs’ and Playlist is not All Live Songs’
  4. Then select all your tracks in the All Songs playlist and drag them to the empty ‘All Live Songs’ playlist.
  5. When you copied all the songs to the empty All Live Songs playlist, only the live songs were copied.
So, if you go back to the Missing Songs playlist that is showing songs that are in All Songs which includes the missing songs, but are not in the All Live Songs playlist which doesn’t include the missing songs, then all that’s left in the Missing Songs playlist are the broken songs!

To delete the matched files, hold down Shift (or, on a Mac, Option) while deleting.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Android Manager WiFi

Contacts allows you to back up contact entries so that you don't have to worry about losing, breaking, switching phone or changing service providers, as well as organize your contact entries and keep yourself on track all the time.

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Photos allows you to easily import photos from PC or the handset and organize them in different albums for better management. Furthermore, you can quickly edit any photo and upload it to your handset as a wallpaper.

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Music function is a powerful media file management tool that works seamlessly with the handset. Quickly search your favorites in PC, manage the ultimate Library, and enjoy the easiest digital jukebox in your own mobile way.

Application allows you to import downloaded mobile applications and have them installed into your handset upon synchronization.

Files allows you to organize Handset files with just a few clicks and files on the Handset can be at where you want them to be.

Sync allows you to synchronize the following items between Windows Contacts/Outlook Express/Outlook and the handset.

Android Manager Wifi Screenshots


Download directory:

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thebroken - Kevin Mitnick, Windows Passwords, Self Destructing Laptop, Xbox

in the 3rd episode of thebroken kevin and dan show how to mod the original xbox, the ps2, and the gamecube. but the show kicks off with a couple 40z and some easy tips on how to crack windows passwords. ramzi busts out with his best hacker tip yet, a self-destructing laptop! and what's it like for a hacker in jail? kevin gets the details as he chats up hacker 1, kevin mitnick.


new book ( 27:34, 28:06, 28:36, 27:34, 28:06, 28:36 ) social security ( 19:17, 19:19, 19:17, 19:19 ) operating systems ( 4:19, 4:19 ) hard drive ( 9:47, 10:51, 9:47, 10:51 ) new book ( 27:34, 28:06, 28:36, 27:34, 28:06, 28:36 ) social security ( 19:17, 19:19, 19:17, 19:19 ) operating systems ( 4:19, 4:19 ) hard drive ( 9:47, 10:51, 9:47, 10:51 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" Welcome to the broken episode number three I'm Kevin Rose doubled. The broken one of the person you're gonna notice is that this isn't your average computers and this is velocity and lot of ground little borderline illegal but it's not like to count the broken. And that's popping up with a couple. Great show planned for you today we're gonna talk about extracting and cracking windows passwords in adjustments. -- Nice and justice -- ramps it back. -- it is gonna make a self destructing leapt out yet -- got a laptop they get this you flip the switch and it's gonna burn. 3000 degrees molten iron to destroy all your. That is and raise she is also have coming out undersea out of mod that the reaction consoles the PS2 Xbox and gamecube. We're always telling you it's important back you know how these games you might as well backed up in case you know does afterwards -- I would want. So we're bringing information you do what you will. Also I have a chance to sit down with the one and only Kevin mitnick. He's gonna explain just what it's like for a hacker in prison if some pretty crazy -- let's start things off though with the little windows password -- it's. He's gonna windows XP pro got -- have -- personal firewall in a pretty fairly complex that's -- That's a good start one thing you might be overlooking is what if someone were to break into your home or office in physical access to your machine. In about five minutes in the gonna have complete control over your computer."

" So a hacker is just gain access to your computer with a bootable live CD they bypass your we'd start up and running application from the CD called in T password. You see all local windows passwords or stored in the windows system 32 config directory in a file called the sale. You passwords encrypted and stored as a password hash with in the Sam file. Into password workspace using password hash insertion. That is inserting a new password hash that you've created right into the sand. The hacker now simply chooses the account over right -- in the new passport."

" So the hacker now as complete access to the system they're back in they've logged in -- good to go only problem is they can't read any files that were encrypted using the windows encrypted file system or yep that's. For that we're gonna need the original user's password. So."

" This time around the hacker's going to back up the Sam file and crack it so they put from a CD running -- XS TV change to the configure rectory and copied the Sam into system files to a cheap USB thumb drive. Yeah the hacker takes the files home fires up a copy of Sam inside in extracts the encrypted hash to crack. Loft crack is -- to perform a series of dictionary M brute force attacks once the past it has been matched the final pass from his display."

" It's important to note that loft crack can take anywhere from several minutes to several months depending on the complexity of the past where. Also every time you change your password in windows XP it creates two password hashes. In in T -- and an LM hash also known as a land manager hash. And his -- hashes they were used for all the operating systems 989531. For a syndicating passwords they're no good because it -- to seven character passwords. Think of birds all upper case so there really easy to crack. -- very important thing that you have to do is go into your registry and make the change that will only store. In -- is on your computer."

" To fix this just into the registry and changed H key local machine system current control set control analysts say. In set no LM hash equal to one may have passed of the -- only of the anti cash and her so much more -- here."

" Okay tips for securing windows -- one. -- by a password yet definitely -- you put a lousy password on the all the -- Nazis open up the case and pull up about it but at that point in my heart right right okay and it's you change your windows password often. Because allegedly hatched yet change the hash and there's no win again Intuit is there's a -- hat the -- cracked the password and they'll come back to machine. But they can't get it to net new cash. So there's a couple of tips also tickets it's a we have the segment itself and apply those because you want anyway get near box. But now. It is time. For hacking with -- but we have to tell you. Do not try -- at home. Ramsey is a trained professional. Let's take a look. The only legal couple you don't. -- Okay. --"

" He he he he beat her and and."

" How do I gave my Kennedy actually. I'm news that has how three cut cut it's important to keep dollar deficit. We don't want anyone needing -- predicament. We have to respect Ellis -- very good. That is why I have created the ultimate -- had lapped -- this day you would not have is allowed. Somebody. Like that it obscured the humans is about to forward into and one could hand. You simply -- The laptop would mean. Did -- admit that. -- on that that. Fairness we're gonna start without and could -- be. But it wouldn't that that my it now while elect fact that it near -- was put aside. Now I that I bush Abbas and that demise when they denied bail at the 8000 dignity what can I don't get going on there that. I'm not putting a button. You gonna move that bathtub with a case. It's gonna be -- its -- We're gonna thoughtfully there that I did and credit has that the idea was that -- my. If I'm gonna switch from construction business the garden business."

" King yeah. I mean yeah."

" Now I think this flight oh and attacks that I -- her. It was about and and going to be an 8000 degrees. In this way if you it's incorporated. Bad."

" Okay guys this now my laptop and sitting there for with a dynamite. Undated that it victories and -- published a -- and to -- on the got that 3000 degrees. Is go through the firewall up."

" Oh yeah. -- He's got so many Democrats -- grandma and -- what happened to you so much is too."

" that -- did you could do a little bit of hacking yourself won't mean to brag but I did my on the Xbox that PS2. And gamecube."

" China lots of consoles but before I get any further a want to let you know open and -- is consul boxes and what towards yeah definitely we're starting off with the Xbox is and efforts consulate we're gonna -- Tell me what are what are we start. First thing when you do is get that case stuff but it's not so easy you have to remove a few screws. And they're not standards truce there. Tortures so which you need are ten and twenty torque screwdrivers and cancel after -- these -- we can just pop the keys right off that we can let's go and view them right now. I and what we have here we have a hard drive and a dvd drive. We did remove those to get to the motherboard so that way we can put on the -- makes sense let's go and remove that right now stood I'm. As you can see we're down to the motherboard so we're next step is to put in a mod chip. -- the much -- we're gonna use is executed -- are installed which is artists are as -- fixes sighed as you can see there's about. Eight different solder points -- them. So it's not a points directly to the motherboard you have to have a really steady hand in order -- to do this right now I if you don't have this I've seen another one another mod chip is executed light plots right that you actually a line do you like that much -- great admit it's so easy distant that takes it down and you're done -- just threw it in as -- ago the idea sounds critical. And then as far as -- except goes I need do is to put everything back we're gonna put an apparent -- Okay we've got everything all back in order but. We've put in a brand new hard drive nice -- and -- recognize that the big step up and when Microsoft -- in the which is like -- four. Right from the abolition -- start. And also you can -- like 4050 games on the 4050 games 120. -- now. These new games now these are games its own yes dash your that you all these games where you're back -- that nobody at your local. Maintenance and these of the prize -- but also -- other cool applications are the Xbox media center right. That's critical as you can stream all of your movies and industry and the broken with a broken on answering it write to your TV absolutely. Now you so much information. All estimation put together -- what was of athletes receive the best place to go to Xbox dash scene dot com it's toil. Everything you need to -- it has an excellent let's closes -- we don't the Xbox. There are at the PSU. Well we're gonna do is put in the mod chip strip it down to the motherboard like we did with the Xbox and put in a much. Attention. Really -- put -- to -- Yeah. To carry out the motherboard out of this via mod chip installed as well. But if you notice. It's about one sound leads to solder yet these are actually these aren't easily do that did tiny little solder points to the motherboard -- right so we can't stress enough if you don't have studied him don't do you did which was much of use here this is the -- and three which is. For probably one of the more popular. Now what are you what -- unfortunately can we expect once the mod chip is successfully install right well it's not like it's not exactly like the Xbox was not have the same functionality. But what it's gonna allow you to play on your back to mr. games European versions such persons well now we've also seen some other little -- third party applications as little media centers and things like that right -- now but not near the functionality of the -- absolutely so it just makes him steady hand. -- it. The -- Okay time for the gamecube not it is keeping me -- we got the game you read a note adapter for the -- yet this one here finding any of the local looking shop you standard network adapter. Flip the gamecube upside down. Push it in its installed couldn't be easier -- we also need some secret files CN secret thousand year -- vilified like you can find them around the red but. We just can't stating that yet we're not any of also -- you home network a home network and you also need a video game for a for gamecube. Conferences are online right. So our first step what we need to do on your local machine we need to set a static IP address okay you get an internal IP address that isn't rabble 1916 say exactly. Exactly okay annexing wanted to you want to fire -- it's on line. Packets -- put as a start -- inside of our -- Q and then what. Negative go to the fastest our online options and into that IP address of the local machine your running the secret files. That makes sense because in the game -- the fastest animal that's running on the gamecube is gonna attempt to connect to Internet. Actually being intercepted. But it's local machine that's running those secret files which is going to allow you to exploit. In in the games over the gain exactly CNET yes again next step is take those gamecube I says and center right of the network. A case is gonna stream and thinking you knew -- to swap exactly but. Gonna take a while it's going -- network right how how big is the images at a time yet. We're talking about -- It in -- like one point we have and it says it's gonna take about the patient a cancer makes sense that is offering consul the basics you need to know tickets."

" Now what's it like for a hacker prison the broken toxic Kevin mitnick. Check that."

" And advocates think a very dealers -- in -- Great name Kevin yeah the theft after apparently had. Very much in common that no love for all things hacking leaders figured -- throw it through you're definitely the most renowned actor of our time there's no doubt about it. And a lot of people wonder. You know we -- to would you learn. How did you learn to become a master social -- something that you practiced throwing out where."

" Well before. I became involved with computers those involved in the article phone for you where it is basically like hacking the telephone system and doing really cool for the phone network. And I was first introduced. It's it's I was first introduced -- social engineering under the phone for the basically told me that he can call certain departments but from the phone company. And by understand the terminology either lingo. There. The way they do business that you did obtain information by pretending to be one of them. So that's where I first got started there was an assault on once they learned. The basics of the fundamentals of how worked in I do. Develop that skill and the -- wonderful ones they'll. Did you turn that computers when you start getting involved with that he sees what has about seventeen well those before 81. With a couple of years earlier -- in 1979. Is another student and high school. Do incidentally was an amateur radio operator because I'm a hobby of telephones and amateur radio which is kind of look at advancing day. End of this other student. Who said you know probably -- like computers. Air and at first I was really interest. And then -- is that the computer instructor who said. Master will have you had ergonomic tree involve a blog but have no I've taken this course has recently taken the computer class anyway. So limit frivolous or some of the stuff you can do with the phone governor face showed the teacher and some of these tricks right even accessing computers through -- him -- Anyway the prerequisite -- When you."

" It's mean hacking is social evening did you ever enlist the help of friends that you have like a community."

" That you apart carries."

" Ball one or two other people usually like. Where was. Doing all a lot of the hacking. I'd have like one other front. And we'd be working together as a."

" You. -- how. Going back to -- started to commit these crimes you were on the run how long were you out of South Korea and the FBI when it -- most want in this region and that's the -- fled his room and I think they were on the only guy where they've wanted from its US marshals okay the other one person I was never on the ten most one of those -- are. Rumor started by John Markoff. IE was a fugitive. For about two and after three years most people there fugitive for three days how did you stage and it ran for three years of my by adopting new identities. In two I would. I would I would get a new identity it eligible by doing and the Internet nowadays you can illegally -- my -- can learn how to create forged documents and we're did you get this information. -- I just used to retrieve a lot of underground books when I was a kid EDS's and things like that anything else that this was like real like -- us. Even for us as always interested in learning things and you're not supposed enough. Type of memory and there's a book called the paper -- That basically explain the whole system. Identity in America. How it starts with the birth certificates that the key is that he's been obtained either counterfeit or real birth certificate you can become that person. So. There's a flaw in the system. In the states where. If somebody dies. In -- state the different state they're born in. There's usually not a cross -- maybe between California Nevada or sister states but if somebody is born and he CA. In -- California there's there's no cross reference them so the government really doesn't now. And in a lot of cases of somebody hasn't worked history. They're death or be recorded to Social Security Administration. So they have ethical Social Security death index. But for infants people that are. 123 years of age when they die there's a record okay that's great it's that the key is that you can find an infant that died in a different state. Than they were born in you could become them and that's what I. So how many how many it is to -- is that you go through outperform tighten the system so well. In -- their vulnerabilities -- exploited them to me to get. To create any identity I wanted I'd go move from city to city in a team with legitimate jobs to support myself. How did you know it was time to switch identities. Would feel like pressure like this when Mikey gives you upward we'll actually my first time. I left that job and I figured well in trading jobs. I have to go look for something new anyway so maybe it's a good time to switch I think. Yeah editing this actually yet anything to -- unions it was no cellphone so -- By trekking through cellphone -- okay. But they did find you with the Walt that you -- actually about a year ago had that was what the hell you fake -- and death absolutely so how to go it was stupid. Because the number one rule is is never carry. Any identity any any identity I identity documents with different names in your wallet but -- I have this wallet in mind home. Winners will when the FBI was executed its report I think you'd never carried on right to be stupid. When you spent the time in prison he said you were an eight months altered and yes. What was that like tell me and tell me the whole whole rundown your latte and your."

" Mines lie. Okay you're you're in the room the size of about 55 by no. Okay it's maybe a sixty or so we want -- Okay there's a -- the toilet in the battles thing. I kind of reminds me. We travel a lot between Las Vegas and San Francisco. Sometimes stop and iPod there's a particular. Gas station. Right past Livermore that has the same toilets in the same thing. That's her yeah. As that was you know in in federal detention right day there were oh my god -- where they -- the for the president. There was want to get another yeah right. Sort of event. Premature -- it's locked down 23 of 24 hours today it's you know high security. It's where they put you appeared -- my enemy like the -- Mexican Mafia or you're. You know that law enforcement agent or you're a high security for a knows there is or bars there is a solid. Completely closed completely enclose an ambivalent on I have a trap door and window is like. Yay big. And I mean if you bring your face up to it it would be about this -- Right and then they have just a solid battled the war and a trap or about this way for food so when we get that. It's three times today is Gallagher wake -- up in the morning. --"

" A public room service and I don't have the tip. You -- afterschool I'm here a lot of things ago about you know how they mistreat prisoners and things like eliminate that ever -- was at times we didn't -- who was at times and didn't let you -- kept you and --"

" Yeah I have that the Bureau of Prisons I mean it's it's just a matter of what you know. Guards are working at what particular time it's also a job for nowadays sometimes if that you -- maybe. For five days for the outward up. You know during that -- months. So. The other could be a security issue going on or something going on in the end of the institution right so. Basically you're you're -- control -- a point -- so. And there's nothing you can. But what my argument is it was that the reason that they placed me under this by security. Condition with all culture. I mean to a -- that I can call. Some telephone number Norad to nuclear whistle some code. To start and -- holocaust. Is like a true. Is that how that goes to keep you locked up yeah there were it was I I've more than Lou what conditions that was under which saw. Okay imagine yourself in the bathroom. 97 in the ninety waffle on -- nine new leader for an hour day you probably could lock yourself in there for two hours and aren't real progress right so. But the reason the justification the federal government was able to use was ludicrous. -- was something got to the -- for -- that's -- stole. Boggles my mind to that very -- they do them how they get away with it. How did you keep your sanity intact. Well I spent my time working with my lawyer. And reading up on case law. Rules of criminal procedure. But to no one hell of a lot of Reading ahead and AM FM walked into prison commissary to call commissary you can buy food in a failure by -- from walkman. -- it was a radio talk."

" Did you get the general public ever I mean you're you're only in every month so you were mixed in with the general public -- other vulnerable population a population for the rest of the time. Well you did that case. I know I ended up. -- out and I was put into prison camp performance and what's it like going to prison for as a hack and as martyrs is all different types of people. There's some criminals here that's right I mean as a -- in there. You probably don't match with a lot of these types of -- not really a lot of people want to pick your brain because they want to be able use technology to commit. Crimes when they get now did you make friends -- and it's -- in. -- few people that I don't have any of the contact with them today. But versus you know people -- tightly that are fronts I play cards giving out. You just talk did you ever get picked on and being imprisoned or anything like I have a few fights you know. Federal with a lot different state I mean that's between nine day usually federal -- is always one. You know correctional officers around. And editing and if you fights it was a over somebody that took some of my property. And under in that environment unless you go and reclaim it even if you're gonna get your ass kicked. You you got a deal right otherwise you'll be a more to be taken advantage. And and another few occasions in what happens is that when you weren't ago distressed taking telemarketing what would people and indeed it figures figures for over the because you're not gonna do anything. There's no -- party around his right exactly so if someone doesn't pictures in those claimant any any any use you go and take the first on. They're gonna know well there's really a problem of do this with the strike either. Even if you lose it's still it's a problem right. That's pretty amazing yeah it does have jungle. Whenever I think of this the correctional system I think of the case was -- BC BC walked into the jungle. Now that was -- on the -- at present the idea since growth this craziness. Well not as much dozens data can -- in county jail would be if UN county jail the first thing that Elizabeth and issues. And in some some. -- different race probably ten times bigger than you. All muscle as is that what the issues substance -- an agreement -- right but if you give them issues. Without fighting for it's worse than it's worse. It's -- yeah we get yeah. He was thinking him that the property now -- okay but that's not the case of out of the case because what happens is now you're mark for everybody take anything. So now you're all done with that chat -- your life that's -- closed down is over do you what he doing now."

" I started the security company called defense of thinking it's myself and one of god it's it's it's a consultancy it's bright it's a professional services. I travel around the world but he talks mostly social engineering and other information security or public. Myself. And I just. I authored coauthored a book called the art of deception which is an open social engineering Bible. -- right. And I'm starting a new book. This month of the art of intrusion. Where I am trying to convince people that have done in black and hacking. To come forward and tell me they're not story you know salacious sexy -- because -- tell -- story of the -- Because it's an interest in story maybe a little bit about their personal background. And I want to analyze the vulnerabilities that were exploited. And discuss what countermeasures. Businesses. And individuals and take us to ensure it doesn't happen to them so that's -- that's basically the Foreman of the new book story analysis."

" Countermeasures if so what if someone is watching this they want to. Send -- stores what's what you noticed this and it's nowhere they HA CKS at defensive. Thinking dot com okay altogether. Defensive thinking dot com acts acts it acts of the from the finger Kevin mitnick thank you very much hey. Great to be here Kevin effective -- it was a good and are very get we'll see you again soon okay thank you."

" That's it for the broken episode number three but listen if you want to get notified of new book releases we put out his stuff. Sign up for our newsletter -- the broken dot org but most importantly. Tell -- for tell all your friends. Put it on Kazaa. I give up what are you tired to get our name out there. Intel next time I'm Kevin Rose have a day. --"

" Is -- gonna talk about how hackers."

" you. Heard this happen. Yeah yeah -- You killed while. Yeah it's -- And yeah yeah yeah. And."

" You're welcome to -- and drank yet it."

" The world and it."

" Okay why -- in Russia. And then again take -- water water water water. -- water now. What -- a lot of clever."

" Look."

" And you get ourselves. And not look good at the woman who can Google it. And."

" And and I. And it."

" And here but. And Bratton did is -- can figure it out. Not. Gonna. Handsets and did you and I thought. Wow. -- right on the button. And then keep attention on."

" Welcome to the broken episode number three I'm Kevin Rose doubled. The broken one of the person you're gonna notice is that this isn't your average computers and this is velocity and lot of ground little borderline illegal but it's not like to count the broken. And that's popping up with a couple. Great show planned for you today we're gonna talk about extracting and cracking windows passwords in adjustments. -- Nice and justice -- ramps it back. -- it is gonna make a self destructing leapt out yet -- got a laptop they get this you flip the switch and it's gonna burn. 3000 degrees molten iron to destroy all your. That is and raise she is also have coming out undersea out of mod that the reaction consoles the PS2 Xbox and gamecube. We're always telling you it's important back you know how these games you might as well backed up in case you know does afterwards -- I would want. So we're bringing information you do what you will. Also I have a chance to sit down with the one and only Kevin mitnick. He's gonna explain just what it's like for a hacker in prison if some pretty crazy -- let's start things off though with the little windows password -- it's. He's gonna windows XP pro got -- have -- personal firewall in a pretty fairly complex that's -- That's a good start one thing you might be overlooking is what if someone were to break into your home or office in physical access to your machine. In about five minutes in the gonna have complete control over your computer."

" So a hacker is just gain access to your computer with a bootable live CD they bypass your we'd start up and running application from the CD called in T password. You see all local windows passwords or stored in the windows system 32 config directory in a file called the sale. You passwords encrypted and stored as a password hash with in the Sam file. Into password workspace using password hash insertion. That is inserting a new password hash that you've created right into the sand. The hacker now simply chooses the account over right -- in the new passport."

" So the hacker now as complete access to the system they're back in they've logged in -- good to go only problem is they can't read any files that were encrypted using the windows encrypted file system or yep that's. For that we're gonna need the original user's password. So."

" This time around the hacker's going to back up the Sam file and crack it so they put from a CD running -- XS TV change to the configure rectory and copied the Sam into system files to a cheap USB thumb drive. Yeah the hacker takes the files home fires up a copy of Sam inside in extracts the encrypted hash to crack. Loft crack is -- to perform a series of dictionary M brute force attacks once the past it has been matched the final pass from his display."

" It's important to note that loft crack can take anywhere from several minutes to several months depending on the complexity of the past where. Also every time you change your password in windows XP it creates two password hashes. In in T -- and an LM hash also known as a land manager hash. And his -- hashes they were used for all the operating systems 989531. For a syndicating passwords they're no good because it -- to seven character passwords. Think of birds all upper case so there really easy to crack. -- very important thing that you have to do is go into your registry and make the change that will only store. In -- is on your computer."

" To fix this just into the registry and changed H key local machine system current control set control analysts say. In set no LM hash equal to one may have passed of the -- only of the anti cash and her so much more -- here."

" Okay tips for securing windows -- one. -- by a password yet definitely -- you put a lousy password on the all the -- Nazis open up the case and pull up about it but at that point in my heart right right okay and it's you change your windows password often. Because allegedly hatched yet change the hash and there's no win again Intuit is there's a -- hat the -- cracked the password and they'll come back to machine. But they can't get it to net new cash. So there's a couple of tips also tickets it's a we have the segment itself and apply those because you want anyway get near box. But now. It is time. For hacking with -- but we have to tell you. Do not try -- at home. Ramsey is a trained professional. Let's take a look. The only legal couple you don't. -- Okay. --"

" He he he he beat her and and."

" How do I gave my Kennedy actually. I'm news that has how three cut cut it's important to keep dollar deficit. We don't want anyone needing -- predicament. We have to respect Ellis -- very good. That is why I have created the ultimate -- had lapped -- this day you would not have is allowed. Somebody. Like that it obscured the humans is about to forward into and one could hand. You simply -- The laptop would mean. Did -- admit that. -- on that that. Fairness we're gonna start without and could -- be. But it wouldn't that that my it now while elect fact that it near -- was put aside. Now I that I bush Abbas and that demise when they denied bail at the 8000 dignity what can I don't get going on there that. I'm not putting a button. You gonna move that bathtub with a case. It's gonna be -- its -- We're gonna thoughtfully there that I did and credit has that the idea was that -- my. If I'm gonna switch from construction business the garden business."

" King yeah. I mean yeah."

" Now I think this flight oh and attacks that I -- her. It was about and and going to be an 8000 degrees. In this way if you it's incorporated. Bad."

" Okay guys this now my laptop and sitting there for with a dynamite. Undated that it victories and -- published a -- and to -- on the got that 3000 degrees. Is go through the firewall up."

" Oh yeah. -- He's got so many Democrats -- grandma and -- what happened to you so much is too."

" that -- did you could do a little bit of hacking yourself won't mean to brag but I did my on the Xbox that PS2. And gamecube."

" China lots of consoles but before I get any further a want to let you know open and -- is consul boxes and what towards yeah definitely we're starting off with the Xbox is and efforts consulate we're gonna -- Tell me what are what are we start. First thing when you do is get that case stuff but it's not so easy you have to remove a few screws. And they're not standards truce there. Tortures so which you need are ten and twenty torque screwdrivers and cancel after -- these -- we can just pop the keys right off that we can let's go and view them right now. I and what we have here we have a hard drive and a dvd drive. We did remove those to get to the motherboard so that way we can put on the -- makes sense let's go and remove that right now stood I'm. As you can see we're down to the motherboard so we're next step is to put in a mod chip. -- the much -- we're gonna use is executed -- are installed which is artists are as -- fixes sighed as you can see there's about. Eight different solder points -- them. So it's not a points directly to the motherboard you have to have a really steady hand in order -- to do this right now I if you don't have this I've seen another one another mod chip is executed light plots right that you actually a line do you like that much -- great admit it's so easy distant that takes it down and you're done -- just threw it in as -- ago the idea sounds critical. And then as far as -- except goes I need do is to put everything back we're gonna put an apparent -- Okay we've got everything all back in order but. We've put in a brand new hard drive nice -- and -- recognize that the big step up and when Microsoft -- in the which is like -- four. Right from the abolition -- start. And also you can -- like 4050 games on the 4050 games 120. -- now. These new games now these are games its own yes dash your that you all these games where you're back -- that nobody at your local. Maintenance and these of the prize -- but also -- other cool applications are the Xbox media center right. That's critical as you can stream all of your movies and industry and the broken with a broken on answering it write to your TV absolutely. Now you so much information. All estimation put together -- what was of athletes receive the best place to go to Xbox dash scene dot com it's toil. Everything you need to -- it has an excellent let's closes -- we don't the Xbox. There are at the PSU. Well we're gonna do is put in the mod chip strip it down to the motherboard like we did with the Xbox and put in a much. Attention. Really -- put -- to -- Yeah. To carry out the motherboard out of this via mod chip installed as well. But if you notice. It's about one sound leads to solder yet these are actually these aren't easily do that did tiny little solder points to the motherboard -- right so we can't stress enough if you don't have studied him don't do you did which was much of use here this is the -- and three which is. For probably one of the more popular. Now what are you what -- unfortunately can we expect once the mod chip is successfully install right well it's not like it's not exactly like the Xbox was not have the same functionality. But what it's gonna allow you to play on your back to mr. games European versions such persons well now we've also seen some other little -- third party applications as little media centers and things like that right -- now but not near the functionality of the -- absolutely so it just makes him steady hand. -- it. The -- Okay time for the gamecube not it is keeping me -- we got the game you read a note adapter for the -- yet this one here finding any of the local looking shop you standard network adapter. Flip the gamecube upside down. Push it in its installed couldn't be easier -- we also need some secret files CN secret thousand year -- vilified like you can find them around the red but. We just can't stating that yet we're not any of also -- you home network a home network and you also need a video game for a for gamecube. Conferences are online right. So our first step what we need to do on your local machine we need to set a static IP address okay you get an internal IP address that isn't rabble 1916 say exactly. Exactly okay annexing wanted to you want to fire -- it's on line. Packets -- put as a start -- inside of our -- Q and then what. Negative go to the fastest our online options and into that IP address of the local machine your running the secret files. That makes sense because in the game -- the fastest animal that's running on the gamecube is gonna attempt to connect to Internet. Actually being intercepted. But it's local machine that's running those secret files which is going to allow you to exploit. In in the games over the gain exactly CNET yes again next step is take those gamecube I says and center right of the network. A case is gonna stream and thinking you knew -- to swap exactly but. Gonna take a while it's going -- network right how how big is the images at a time yet. We're talking about -- It in -- like one point we have and it says it's gonna take about the patient a cancer makes sense that is offering consul the basics you need to know tickets."

" Now what's it like for a hacker prison the broken toxic Kevin mitnick. Check that."

" And advocates think a very dealers -- in -- Great name Kevin yeah the theft after apparently had. Very much in common that no love for all things hacking leaders figured -- throw it through you're definitely the most renowned actor of our time there's no doubt about it. And a lot of people wonder. You know we -- to would you learn. How did you learn to become a master social -- something that you practiced throwing out where."

" Well before. I became involved with computers those involved in the article phone for you where it is basically like hacking the telephone system and doing really cool for the phone network. And I was first introduced. It's it's I was first introduced -- social engineering under the phone for the basically told me that he can call certain departments but from the phone company. And by understand the terminology either lingo. There. The way they do business that you did obtain information by pretending to be one of them. So that's where I first got started there was an assault on once they learned. The basics of the fundamentals of how worked in I do. Develop that skill and the -- wonderful ones they'll. Did you turn that computers when you start getting involved with that he sees what has about seventeen well those before 81. With a couple of years earlier -- in 1979. Is another student and high school. Do incidentally was an amateur radio operator because I'm a hobby of telephones and amateur radio which is kind of look at advancing day. End of this other student. Who said you know probably -- like computers. Air and at first I was really interest. And then -- is that the computer instructor who said. Master will have you had ergonomic tree involve a blog but have no I've taken this course has recently taken the computer class anyway. So limit frivolous or some of the stuff you can do with the phone governor face showed the teacher and some of these tricks right even accessing computers through -- him -- Anyway the prerequisite -- When you."

" It's mean hacking is social evening did you ever enlist the help of friends that you have like a community."

" That you apart carries."

" Ball one or two other people usually like. Where was. Doing all a lot of the hacking. I'd have like one other front. And we'd be working together as a."

" You. -- how. Going back to -- started to commit these crimes you were on the run how long were you out of South Korea and the FBI when it -- most want in this region and that's the -- fled his room and I think they were on the only guy where they've wanted from its US marshals okay the other one person I was never on the ten most one of those -- are. Rumor started by John Markoff. IE was a fugitive. For about two and after three years most people there fugitive for three days how did you stage and it ran for three years of my by adopting new identities. In two I would. I would I would get a new identity it eligible by doing and the Internet nowadays you can illegally -- my -- can learn how to create forged documents and we're did you get this information. -- I just used to retrieve a lot of underground books when I was a kid EDS's and things like that anything else that this was like real like -- us. Even for us as always interested in learning things and you're not supposed enough. Type of memory and there's a book called the paper -- That basically explain the whole system. Identity in America. How it starts with the birth certificates that the key is that he's been obtained either counterfeit or real birth certificate you can become that person. So. There's a flaw in the system. In the states where. If somebody dies. In -- state the different state they're born in. There's usually not a cross -- maybe between California Nevada or sister states but if somebody is born and he CA. In -- California there's there's no cross reference them so the government really doesn't now. And in a lot of cases of somebody hasn't worked history. They're death or be recorded to Social Security Administration. So they have ethical Social Security death index. But for infants people that are. 123 years of age when they die there's a record okay that's great it's that the key is that you can find an infant that died in a different state. Than they were born in you could become them and that's what I. So how many how many it is to -- is that you go through outperform tighten the system so well. In -- their vulnerabilities -- exploited them to me to get. To create any identity I wanted I'd go move from city to city in a team with legitimate jobs to support myself. How did you know it was time to switch identities. Would feel like pressure like this when Mikey gives you upward we'll actually my first time. I left that job and I figured well in trading jobs. I have to go look for something new anyway so maybe it's a good time to switch I think. Yeah editing this actually yet anything to -- unions it was no cellphone so -- By trekking through cellphone -- okay. But they did find you with the Walt that you -- actually about a year ago had that was what the hell you fake -- and death absolutely so how to go it was stupid. Because the number one rule is is never carry. Any identity any any identity I identity documents with different names in your wallet but -- I have this wallet in mind home. Winners will when the FBI was executed its report I think you'd never carried on right to be stupid. When you spent the time in prison he said you were an eight months altered and yes. What was that like tell me and tell me the whole whole rundown your latte and your."

" Mines lie. Okay you're you're in the room the size of about 55 by no. Okay it's maybe a sixty or so we want -- Okay there's a -- the toilet in the battles thing. I kind of reminds me. We travel a lot between Las Vegas and San Francisco. Sometimes stop and iPod there's a particular. Gas station. Right past Livermore that has the same toilets in the same thing. That's her yeah. As that was you know in in federal detention right day there were oh my god -- where they -- the for the president. There was want to get another yeah right. Sort of event. Premature -- it's locked down 23 of 24 hours today it's you know high security. It's where they put you appeared -- my enemy like the -- Mexican Mafia or you're. You know that law enforcement agent or you're a high security for a knows there is or bars there is a solid. Completely closed completely enclose an ambivalent on I have a trap door and window is like. Yay big. And I mean if you bring your face up to it it would be about this -- Right and then they have just a solid battled the war and a trap or about this way for food so when we get that. It's three times today is Gallagher wake -- up in the morning. --"

" A public room service and I don't have the tip. You -- afterschool I'm here a lot of things ago about you know how they mistreat prisoners and things like eliminate that ever -- was at times we didn't -- who was at times and didn't let you -- kept you and --"

" Yeah I have that the Bureau of Prisons I mean it's it's just a matter of what you know. Guards are working at what particular time it's also a job for nowadays sometimes if that you -- maybe. For five days for the outward up. You know during that -- months. So. The other could be a security issue going on or something going on in the end of the institution right so. Basically you're you're -- control -- a point -- so. And there's nothing you can. But what my argument is it was that the reason that they placed me under this by security. Condition with all culture. I mean to a -- that I can call. Some telephone number Norad to nuclear whistle some code. To start and -- holocaust. Is like a true. Is that how that goes to keep you locked up yeah there were it was I I've more than Lou what conditions that was under which saw. Okay imagine yourself in the bathroom. 97 in the ninety waffle on -- nine new leader for an hour day you probably could lock yourself in there for two hours and aren't real progress right so. But the reason the justification the federal government was able to use was ludicrous. -- was something got to the -- for -- that's -- stole. Boggles my mind to that very -- they do them how they get away with it. How did you keep your sanity intact. Well I spent my time working with my lawyer. And reading up on case law. Rules of criminal procedure. But to no one hell of a lot of Reading ahead and AM FM walked into prison commissary to call commissary you can buy food in a failure by -- from walkman. -- it was a radio talk."

" Did you get the general public ever I mean you're you're only in every month so you were mixed in with the general public -- other vulnerable population a population for the rest of the time. Well you did that case. I know I ended up. -- out and I was put into prison camp performance and what's it like going to prison for as a hack and as martyrs is all different types of people. There's some criminals here that's right I mean as a -- in there. You probably don't match with a lot of these types of -- not really a lot of people want to pick your brain because they want to be able use technology to commit. Crimes when they get now did you make friends -- and it's -- in. -- few people that I don't have any of the contact with them today. But versus you know people -- tightly that are fronts I play cards giving out. You just talk did you ever get picked on and being imprisoned or anything like I have a few fights you know. Federal with a lot different state I mean that's between nine day usually federal -- is always one. You know correctional officers around. And editing and if you fights it was a over somebody that took some of my property. And under in that environment unless you go and reclaim it even if you're gonna get your ass kicked. You you got a deal right otherwise you'll be a more to be taken advantage. And and another few occasions in what happens is that when you weren't ago distressed taking telemarketing what would people and indeed it figures figures for over the because you're not gonna do anything. There's no -- party around his right exactly so if someone doesn't pictures in those claimant any any any use you go and take the first on. They're gonna know well there's really a problem of do this with the strike either. Even if you lose it's still it's a problem right. That's pretty amazing yeah it does have jungle. Whenever I think of this the correctional system I think of the case was -- BC BC walked into the jungle. Now that was -- on the -- at present the idea since growth this craziness. Well not as much dozens data can -- in county jail would be if UN county jail the first thing that Elizabeth and issues. And in some some. -- different race probably ten times bigger than you. All muscle as is that what the issues substance -- an agreement -- right but if you give them issues. Without fighting for it's worse than it's worse. It's -- yeah we get yeah. He was thinking him that the property now -- okay but that's not the case of out of the case because what happens is now you're mark for everybody take anything. So now you're all done with that chat -- your life that's -- closed down is over do you what he doing now."

" I started the security company called defense of thinking it's myself and one of god it's it's it's a consultancy it's bright it's a professional services. I travel around the world but he talks mostly social engineering and other information security or public. Myself. And I just. I authored coauthored a book called the art of deception which is an open social engineering Bible. -- right. And I'm starting a new book. This month of the art of intrusion. Where I am trying to convince people that have done in black and hacking. To come forward and tell me they're not story you know salacious sexy -- because -- tell -- story of the -- Because it's an interest in story maybe a little bit about their personal background. And I want to analyze the vulnerabilities that were exploited. And discuss what countermeasures. Businesses. And individuals and take us to ensure it doesn't happen to them so that's -- that's basically the Foreman of the new book story analysis."

" Countermeasures if so what if someone is watching this they want to. Send -- stores what's what you noticed this and it's nowhere they HA CKS at defensive. Thinking dot com okay altogether. Defensive thinking dot com acts acts it acts of the from the finger Kevin mitnick thank you very much hey. Great to be here Kevin effective -- it was a good and are very get we'll see you again soon okay thank you."

" That's it for the broken episode number three but listen if you want to get notified of new book releases we put out his stuff. Sign up for our newsletter -- the broken dot org but most importantly. Tell -- for tell all your friends. Put it on Kazaa. I give up what are you tired to get our name out there. Intel next time I'm Kevin Rose have a day. --"

" Is -- gonna talk about how hackers."

" you. Heard this happen. Yeah yeah -- You killed while. Yeah it's -- And yeah yeah yeah. And."

" You're welcome to -- and drank yet it."

" The world and it."

" Okay why -- in Russia. And then again take -- water water water water. -- water now. What -- a lot of clever."

" Look."

" And you get ourselves. And not look good at the woman who can Google it. And."

" And and I. And it."

" And here but. And Bratton did is -- can figure it out. Not. Gonna. Handsets and did you and I thought. Wow. -- right on the button. And then keep attention on."

The Broken - Wireless Hacking, Warez , Social Engineering

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Link Injection Redirection Attacks - Exploiting Google Chrome Design Flaw


Recently with an outcome of Owasp RC1 top 10 exploited vulnerability
list , redirection issues have already
made a mark in that. Even the WASC has included the URL abusing as one
of the stringent attacks.
Well to be ethical in this regard these are not the recent attacks but
are persisting from long time. The only
difference is the exploitation ratio has increased from bottom to top.
So that's the prime reason it has been
included in the web application security benchmarks. But the projection
of redirection attacks is active now.

This post is not about explaining the basics of redirection issues. It
is more about the design vulnerabilities
in browsers that can lead to potential persistent redirection
vulnerabilities. Web application security can be
hampered due to browser problems.

Note: The base is to project the implications of browser inefficiency
and the ease in conducting web application attacks.



Browsers need to take care of these issues.

Alternative Apps for Paid apps

1. Foxit Reader for PDF's []
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7. Save2pc/tubetoolbox - How about saving your videos in your desired format on your computer from youtube/google etc.

Must have Windows utilities

1. Adobe Reader - All your PDF collection fits here.

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4. PDFpagemaker - Instead of making your Microsoft Doc read only, Use Pdf maker.

5. Windows Power toys

6. Google Picasa 3

7. Google Earth

8. Lupas Rename 2000v5 - swiss-army knife file renamer, powerful, reliable and free

9. Process Explorer - Awesome free utils, Mark Russinovich; formerly Sysinternals, bought by Microsoft!; still free!

also Filemon, Diskmon, TCPView, Regmon, and many other very handy utlities

10. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack - every codec + kitchen sink; Media Player Classic, Real Alternative, QT Lite

11. NetTransport - for complex stream capture; only for geeks, though

12. DaemonTools - .iso mounter - Version 3.47!, or [ ] uncheck adware on install of newer versions

13. MagicISO

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16. Winamp -

17. Flash Player

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20. Google Chrome Browser - Best browser out there

Sunday, October 3, 2010

How to use your Ipod/Iphone/Ipad as your USB Storage

i-FunBox, or iFunbox, is a tool to transfer, manage, browse and explore your files, epub documents, mp4 videos and mp3 musics for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch via USB. i-FunBox allows you to easily copy files from or to your iPhone. i-FunBox allows you to use iPhone as an external USB drive and search for files on iPhone. It works with iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPod Touch in Firmware1.x,2.x and 3.x, even without JB (jailbreak). It is compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7

Hack with PhotoFucket

Nothing on the internet is ever truly private and this hack proves it! Learn how to use PhotoFucket to hack into Photobucket with this video. You'll be able to access Photobucket without a password and view private photos from users. Be careful what you leak might unwittingly create the next big reality TV star!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cracking WEP (wireless encryption protocol)

1. launch system information for windows on an admin account
2. Go to Network section on the left-hand side
3. Look for the network SSID (the network name), and sitting next to it after the slash will be the passkey.

If the key is stored on the computer try it with WirelessKeyView in Registry Editor